Ms Peng Haiying, Executive Director, SUN-DAC “If you can’t heal lives, you can heal hearts.”
 Ms Nur Khaiyisha Bte Abd Kadir, Special Needs Teacher, APSN “Go for it if you have that voice or feeling in your heart. Start from that small fire…”
 Mr Michael Kee and Ms Irene Neo, Foster Parents "I was tutoring underprivileged children every Saturday for about two hours, but it seemed inadequate. I wanted to do more. I was contemplating what else to do, to have to create a bigger impact on society…”
 Ms Tan Qiu Ling, Social Worker, South Central Community Family Service Centre “As long as I’m able to make a family or an individual empowered to believe in themselves, and use that empowerment to make themselves happy, I believe I’ve made an impact in this society.”
 Eleanor Wong, Community Executive, St Hilda’s Community Services Centre “You could see his face light up with joy. It’s these moments that I treasure the most.”
 Mr Paul Long, Executive Director, Family Life Society The Ace-Pilot Leader
 Mr Willy Ho, Senior Programme Executive, Methodist Welfare Services (Wesley Seniors Activity Centre) Listening Ear, Happy Smiles
 Ms Lau Yun Yi, Teacher Assistant, AWWA School Dedication and Love
 Ms Barbara D’ Cotta ,Vice Principal, Singapore School for the Deaf “As a leader, you always have to be updated on new practices and knowledge. Only then you can lead with the expertise and assurance that you’re doing the right thing.”
 Mr Pathnapuram Manoj, Assistant Director (Resource & Training Centre), AWWA Ltd “I was attracted to Sun Ray because it offers significant opportunities to explore the sector. Having been in an organisation for too long a time, I reflected that I ought to know how other social service agencies work. Sun Ray provides such openings for both leaders and practitioners to fully develop our strengths and leadership ability.”
 Abdul Halim, Welfare Officer, Pertapis Children’s Home “Though we are not blood-related, at that moment, I felt the special bond that I share with the children and it’s a feeling no words can describe.”
 Mr Lam Wai Mun, Counsellor, Fei Yue Family Service Centre (Champions Way) Super Focused, Super Wisdom
 Ms Gina Chan, Social Worker, CROSSROAD Youth Centre (Care Corner Singapore Ltd) Heart Work, not Hard Work
 Ms Prathibah Pillai D/O Pillai Parappa Karan, Teacher, Grace Orchard School Championing for the Voice
 Nurturing Careers, Inspiring Lives ‘Nurturing Careers, Inspiring Lives’ showcases the stories of individuals from different walks of life whose lives have been transformed by their desire to learn and grow.
 Mr Timothy Chua Kim Seng, Youth Worker ,Gracehaven, Salvation Army “Things have changed so quickly in a generation that if you don’t upgrade yourself, you will be unable to connect with the younger generation.”
 Mr Fang Xinwei, Senior Social Worker, Singapore Children’s Society "What compels me to learn is my inquisitive mind.My inquisitive mind compels me to learn. I’m very curious and like to ask questions. And iIf there’s anything that I don’t understand during in a lecture or conference, I’ll not hesitate to ask.”
 Mdm Rahayu Mohamad, President, Singapore Muslim Women’s Association (PPIS) Reflection and Meaning
 Mr Jerome Yuen, Executive Director, Club Rainbow (Singapore) A Brilliant Rainbow for the Kids
 Mr Quek Hong Choon, Director, SPD Leading with Clarity
 Ms Evelyn Ng, Senior Care Associate, TOUCH Community Services (TOUCH Home Care) Love for the Elderly
 Ms Suzanne Low, Social Worker, AWWA School The Best Decision Made
 Ms Schutz Lee, Treasurer, Society for WINGS (Women’s Initiative for Ageing Successfully) Just Do It